
Bridging minds and machines: Zhaodan Kong designs safer, more successful human-tech teams

From fire-detecting drone swarms to optimally efficient human-autonomy collaboration, the UC Davis mechanical and aerospace engineer uses complex technological systems to address complex challenges.

Smoke is the age-old indicator of a wildfire in California. When caught by camera, satellite or watchtower, visible smoke gives authorities the signal to evacuate affected populations and send out containment forces. But in the time it takes to spot the smoke, the flames may have the chance to blaze across acres of land.

CITRIS publishes 2024 annual report

The mission of the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society and the Banatao Institute (CITRIS) is even more vital today than at our founding in 2001, with the rapid evolution and widespread impact of emerging technologies demanding thoughtful consideration of how they are deployed, how they affect the workforce and whom they serve.

As we celebrate the past year, we rejoice in our collective successes and renew our commitment to serve as a catalyst and convener for the UC community, driving the future of innovation for California and beyond.

Students invited to submit proposals for CITRIS Aviation Prize

The 2024–25 CITRIS Aviation Prize brings together students, researchers and professionals from diverse backgrounds to design critical aviation simulations and subsystems, integrating air transit into campus transportation networks and empowering efficient intercampus travel.

This competition is open to all students at the four CITRIS campuses at UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Merced and UC Santa Cruz.